1.[ 农业机械化与装备工程 ] Agricultural Mechanization and Equipment Engineering
2.[ 农业水土工程 ] Agricultural Water and Soil Engineering
3.[ 农业生物环境与能源工程 ] Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering
4.[农业电气化与信息化工程] Agricultural Electrification and Informatization Engineering
5.[ 农业机械系统理论与设计 ] Agricultural Mechanization System Theory and Design
6.[ 农业装备工程技术 ] Agricultural Equipment Engineering Technology
7.[ 农业信息化技术 ] Agricultural Information Technology
8.[节水灌溉工程] Rural Regional Development
9.[水土保持工程] Water and Soil Conservation Engineering
10.[ 食品科学 ] Food Science
11.[食品营养] Food and Nutrition
12.[食品安全] Food Safety
13.[ 粮油工程 ] Food and Oil Engineering
14.[ 农产品加工及贮藏工程 ] Agricultural Product Processing and Storage
15.[ 水产品加工及贮藏工程 ] Aquatic product processing and Storage
16.[ 作物栽培学与耕作学 ] Crop Cultivation and Farming
17.[ 作物遗传育种 ] Crop Genetics and Breeding
18.[ 种子科学与技术] Seed Science and Technology
19.[ 作物生物技术 ] Crop Bio-technology
20.[ 持续发展与推广学 ] Sustainable Development and Generalization
21.[ 饲料作物栽培与利用 ] Feeding Crop Cultivation and Utilization
22.[ 果树学 ] Pomology
23.[ 蔬菜学 ] Vegetable Science
24.[ 茶学] Tea Sciences
25.[ 观赏园艺学 ] Ornamental Horticulture
26.[ 设施园艺学 ] Facility Horticulture
27.[ 药用植物学 ] Medical Plant
28.[ 草坪资源与利用 ] Grassland Resource and Utilization
29.[ 土壤学 ] Soil Science
30.[ 植物营养学 ] Plant Nutrition
31.[ 农业环境保护 ] Agricultural Environment Protection
32.[ 土地资源学] Land Resource Science
33.[ 土地利用与信息技术 ] Land Utilization and Information Technology
34.[ 水资源与农业节水 ] Water Resources and Agricultural Water-saving
35.[ 森林资源与生态环境] Forestry Resource and Ecological Environment
36.[ 植物病理学 ] Plant Pathology
37.[ 昆虫学 ] Entomology
38.[ 农药学 ] Pesticide Science
39.[ 有害生物与环境安全 ] Harmful Biology and Environment Safety
40.[ 入侵生物学] Invasion Biology
41.[ 农业经济管理 ] Agricultural Economics and Management
42.[ 林业经济管理 ] Forestry Economics and Management
[农村区域发展] Rural Regional Development
44.[ 食物经济与管理 ] Food Economics and Management
45.[ 农村财政金融 ] Rural Finance