上世纪末特别是进入 21 世纪,随着籼粳稻杂交、理想株型育种的深入和超级稻育种的兴起,我国北方特别是东北粳稻面积不断扩大,单产明显提高, 品质特别是食味品质是今后育种和栽培的主要研究内容。相比之下,相邻的日本、韩国仍然以品质为主要育种目标,以粳稻品种间杂交为主,育成品种在保持和提高品质的同时抗逆性、适应性有所改进,但是产量潜力没有明显提高。为了交流粳稻高产优质研究成果,推进国家自然科学基金重点项目和今后相关领域合作研究,拟于2015年9月下旬在沈阳农业大学召开“粳稻品质改良国际学术研讨会” (暂定名)。
1. 会议时间:2015年9月21-24日
2. 会议地点:沈阳农业大学
3. 会议交流与讨论的主要内容
4. 论文征集
5. 欢迎国内外同行参加,免收会议费,统一安排食宿,住宿费用自理。
“International Symposium on Quality Improvement of Japonica Rice”
Ever since the cross-breeding between indica and japonica rice and breeding of ideotype further developed and super rice breeding began to flourish in the end of the last century and the beginning of 21st century, the planting area of japonica rice in northern China, especially the northeastern part of China, has been expanding with per unit area yield increasing significantly. Thus the quality, the eating quality in particular, has then become the key focus of the research on japonica rice breeding and cultivation. By contrast, the neighboring countries, such as Japan and Korea, still take the quality of the rice as their major breeding objective and the crossing-breeding is mainly conducted between japonica rice. Though the improved varieties can see consistency and improvement in quality as well as the amelioration of resistance and adaptability, there has not been any significant improvement in the yield potential. So in order to promote the exchange of research achievements and findings in high-yield and good-quality japonica rice and enhance the progression of the key project supported by Natural Science Foundation of China as well as cooperative research in the related fields, we have decided to hold the “International Symposium on Quality Improvement of Japonica Rice” in Shenyang Agricultural University, China, in September, 2015.
Here is general schedule of the Symposium:
1. Meeting time: September 21st---24th, 2015
2. Meeting Place: Shenyang Agricultural University, China
3. Main Topics of the Symposium
3.1 Evaluation Method, Influence Factors and Genetic Improvement of Eating Quality
3.2 Influence Factors and Genetic Improvement of Major Quality Characters
3.3 Quality Character Differences of Subspecies of Indica and Japonica Rice
3.4 Relationship between Quality Character and Plant Type and Grain Shape
3.5 Molecular Breeding of Good Quality and High Yield
3.6 Relationship between Yield and Quality Character
3.7 Future Trends of Grain Quality and Eating Quality Improvement
4. Call for Papers
For the submission of abstracts, the abstract must be between 1000 to 2000 words ( not exceeding 2 pages) and contents included should be title, author, author's affiliation, key words (3 to 5), text of the abstract, major charts, main bibliography and etc. The abstract can be in Chinese, Japanese, or English. Submission of abstract must be completed before August 15th, 2015. Abstracted must be submitted to the e-mail address :15040049515@163.com.
5. The symposium does not involve conference registration fee. Participants will only pay for their hotel expenses and hotel will be reserved by organizing committee for all participants.
We welcome you to join the symposium and hope the symposium will provide a channel for scientists from across the world to exchange scientific and innovative ideas that will contribute to the sustainable development of research on grain production.
Dr. Liu Xibo Cell Phone:+8618842536018
Dr. Miao Wei Cell Phone:+8615040049515